Freelance Writing: Simple Tips on Complicated Topics Facilitate Your Self-Education Efforts

Freelance Writing: Self-education Self-education is a must for any freelance writer. Since there won’t be any teachers or exams, you are personally responsible for your continuing education, and its results.

It’s an enormous responsibility, because your progress in expanding your educational base has direct impact on your future freelancing success.
If you decided to make a career of freelance writing, then you need to accept that this is one of your main tools for advancement. You simply cannot make progress with learning something new.

You are your own CEO, manager, and supervisor, and no one will push you if you do not push yourself. What can you do to facilitate your self-education? What steps should you follow? Let’s take a look! Read the rest of this entry »

Priceless Writing Tips 5 Things Freelance Writers Should Avoid in Their Papers!

5 things freelance writers should avoidOver years of working with the freelance writer as a species, I have realized that some issues haunt them, irrespective of their qualifications and experience. This article is thus aimed at shedding light on basic missteps that writers keep making.
So I advise you to get acquainted with it carefully – chances are that you will be able to relate to some of these.
Please note, that the article is pretty extensive, so you might want to try reading it in a couple of sittings, for better comprehension :)
Introduction vs. Conclusion
We all know that a formal expository paper’s conclusion should reflect the introduction, with minor changes and tweaks. Of course, that is the correct way to handle it in most cases; the conclusion demonstrates that the goal of the paper was successfully met, and the thesis was fully supported. However, some freelance writers don’t even bother to alter the sentences in their conclusion. For example, in the introduction, they might state: Read the rest of this entry »

Priceless Writing Tips Freelancing Investments – How Much Money Do You Really Need to Start Freelancing?!

How much money do you need for a freelancing career?If you are considering a writing career, then you have probably given some thought to the cost involved in such a move. The question is simple, but the answer depends on how you look at it.

If you already have a full-time job, then it might be a lot easier for you to start your freelancing career from scratch.

However, what if you don’t have a job, and you’re looking at freelance writing as your main source of future income since you can’t find any decent openings in your field? What if you have lost your job and want to start freelancing? There are a number of things you should consider.

First, if you don’t have another form of employment, at least a part-time job, for example, it is going to be hard to start a freelance writing career. This is because in order to be a freelance writer, there are certain items to which you need to have access. Without them, freelancing will be virtually infeasible.

If you are independent and have a source of income, acquiring all these thing is realistic. Read the rest of this entry »

Contests and Promotions from All NEW Research & Writing Contest from RWC is HERE!

New Writing Contest from RWCHey, people! The new writing contest from the RWC is here! This time we offer more money, more prizes and an additional chance to score a job with the as a guest blogger for our site!

And this offers even more benefits! But watch out as the assignments are going to be more complex than the previous time, and we expect even more elaborate writing from you, guys!

We encourage you to READ the INSTRUCTIONS carefully, because we are going to ban any submissions, which will fail to correspond to our requirements!

The contest will last for a month, just as the previous one, and we decided to keep the scheme just as it was – we choose the finalists and you vote for the finalists! Read the rest of this entry »

Freelance Writing: Simple Tips on Complicated Topics Is It Possible to Be A Good Freelance Writer, While Being a Lousy Person?! PART 2

ResearchWritingCenter Blog ArticleHey folks! Missed me? :) I hope that the first part of this article did not offend you personally. You can check it out right here!
This article, as a whole, described exaggerated version of some of the behaviors exhibited by a limited number of freelance writers.
Some of the stories are a generalization of how things may turn out, or how they look from the sidelines, to someone not directly involved in the discussion (with the RWC support team or with the customer).
So, don’t take anything here personally, unless you actually see that some of these behaviors are becoming a part of your life.
Let’s proceed to the next ‘type’ of freelance writer:
The Arrogant Pro
This might actually be the toughest nut to crack! People who are very smart sometimes display a certain arrogance towards others, especially towards co-workers. Think of the fictional medical genius portrayed by Hugh Laurie, in House, but not so extreme. This applies to freelance writers as well. Many of them tend to think that since they have done so many papers, they know, better than the client does, what the client needs. Read the rest of this entry »