Freelance Writing: Simple Tips on Complicated Topics When Does Your Productivity as a Freelance Writer Peak?

Freelance Writer Peak Of course, everyone has his/her own biorhythms. However, when you’re making a schedule, you may want to consider the following scientifically proven facts. Here are 5 best times of the day when your productivity as a freelance writer peaks:

  1. 6 – 7 a.m. is just right for committing the information to your long-term memory. Of course, if you’re simply working on another project which you don’t have intention to cram, spending this time sleeping would be a great choice too.
  2. Read the rest of this entry »

Freelance Writing: Simple Tips on Complicated Topics Can a Freelance Writer Afford a Normal Vacation? How?

Vacation for Freelance WritersAll these recent holidays have got me thinking: are there ways that a freelance writer can have a normal vacation?

As far as I could see, many people were online during the holiday break and completed a gratifying number of jobs.

I wondered, was this because people felt that they had no time to leave for a vacation and possible miss tempting job orders?

On the other hand, was it because those freelance writers had not saved enough money for a vacation? Let’s try to sort these questions out.

First of all, if you are a freelance writer who has problems scheduling a proper vacation, then this article might be helpful. It’s important to remember that having regular breaks and vacations is vital to continued productivity. It refreshes your body, your mind, and your creative drive. Thus, if you haven’t had a vacation, or equivalent, for a long time, and you are experiencing professional struggles, this might be the answer.
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Priceless Writing Tips Absolute “Must-Have” Software for a Freelance Writer

Useful Software for Freelance WritersI’m guessing that if you’re reading this article, you struggle sometimes with word processing tasks: opening a file, compressing a bunch of files for sending, inserting tables and graphics, etc. That’s why I’ll try to guide you through the peculiarities of several software products which you will definitely need.

First, and the most painful for our Support Department, are file compression tools. These make sending large amounts of data (more than 2-3 files) much faster and easier. The most widely used ones are WinRaR and WinZip. They offer free trial downloads for a period of several weeks.

After the 30 day trial period (which could be more, or less) you can try uninstalling the software, but you will have to pay for it. Perhaps you can afford to purchase a license. “Free” versions often include a toolbar and other add-ons you might/might not welcome.

The installation package consumes only 4-5 Mbs and is easy to install. Sometimes, it takes less than a second for the program to be installed, and the software is automatically filed in your system folder. This means many of you folks cannot even verify completed installation.

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