Freelance Writing: Simple Tips on Complicated Topics Can a Freelance Writer Afford a Normal Vacation? How?

Vacation for Freelance WritersAll these recent holidays have got me thinking: are there ways that a freelance writer can have a normal vacation?

As far as I could see, many people were online during the holiday break and completed a gratifying number of jobs.

I wondered, was this because people felt that they had no time to leave for a vacation and possible miss tempting job orders?

On the other hand, was it because those freelance writers had not saved enough money for a vacation? Let’s try to sort these questions out.

First of all, if you are a freelance writer who has problems scheduling a proper vacation, then this article might be helpful. It’s important to remember that having regular breaks and vacations is vital to continued productivity. It refreshes your body, your mind, and your creative drive. Thus, if you haven’t had a vacation, or equivalent, for a long time, and you are experiencing professional struggles, this might be the answer.
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Freelance Writing: Simple Tips on Complicated Topics Getting Ready for New Orders!

RWC wants you to be prepared for the new orders With the winter holidays finally over, our freelance writing community can return to its normal state. That means getting really busy handling all the new assignments our customers order. Don’t get us wrong: we love all that business, and we intend to keep it growing. After all, if things are hectic, that means that our clients like what you do and are coming back for our services.

A lot of you folks had a vacation as well, which we hope refreshed and readied you for all the new jobs coming up. We hope that you had a wonderful time. However, it’s time to get back on track – there are orders to be completed, papers to be written, and presentations to be prepared.

You might be wondering; is there actually a way to stretch your intellect, the way you stretch your hamstrings before a jog? Can a writer really do anything effective to prepare for the new season?

Sure, you can! I’ll offer some suggestions from my own experience. First, change your reading habits for a few days. For example, do you enjoy science fiction? Perhaps you like suspense novels. Then try reading something different from your usual. New ideas, views, scenarios, scenery, and philosophical notions found in unfamiliar literature can be very refreshing. This can boost your writing. This is actually a technique you could pursue frequently, not just when gearing up for a new season of work.
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Priceless Writing Tips Chrome Web Apps for Freelance Writers

Chrome Store LogoI know that an increasing number of online users utilize the Google Chrome browser. I use it myself and find it more useful than Firefox, for a number of subjective reasons. :)

Therefore, this article is for those freelance writers who are using Chrome, or are planning to switch to it. I would definitely advise you to make that switch, especially if you have a slow Internet connection. Chrome also recently launched its web store, which includes online applications, extensions, themes and much more.

Please note! Some of these links will only work, if you are browsing through Google Chrome. The applications can only be installed through the Google Chrome.

I’m going to concentrate on those web apps which could become powerful tools for freelance writing professionals, or anyone who’s heavily into writing. Don’t worry – most of the apps in the store are free to use. I’m sure many of you will find them helpful!
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Freelance Writing: Simple Tips on Complicated Topics Getting Your Research Done Properly and On Time!

Proper Research TechniquesIf you are reading this article, then most likely you are a freelance writer, and you definitely understand the hardships associated with researching any particular topic for your work.This part of completing an order consumes the most time. And in addition, of course, there will be even more trouble if your assignment is really specific and there are limited sources available.

What can you do about it? Well, of course, the obvious step is to ask the customer. If you are not able to find sources on your own, then you should turn to the customer for help. It is obligatory to get the sources; otherwise, your work has no point. Of course, you should only turn to the customer if you have exhausted all your own resources. After all, your client is paying for more than just typing – they are paying for your research and writing.

Before you send a despairing message to the customer, there are a number of things you can try to locate materials more relevant to the assigned subject. Have you ever heard of the term “custom search engine’? If you have not, then after reading this article you should definitely Google the topic. Custom search engines allow flexibility and access to many specific and difficult to research areas of study. For freelance writers who work in specialized fields such as medicine or statistics, customized search solutions allow to find information in seconds.
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Company News Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year, Folks!

Happy Holidays, Folks! It has truly been a great year for the! We are grateful for all of the work you’ve done to make our community stronger. You are the fuel that helps us keep going!

This post commemorates your efforts, and our joint success, in this demanding market of freelance writing services!

We, the, grew bigger and stronger this year in many ways. The most important way we have grown is in taking on board some wonderful new professional writers. We hope that 2010 has been a rewarding experience for those of you who joined our community this year.

I want to say a personal “thank you” to all of you who are following our new, revamped blog. I hope that you find it interesting, and a source of worthwhile information that helps you in your freelance writing experience. The constant growth of our subscriber base is very heartening, because it means that readers find our efforts useful.

We are also thankful to our Facebook fan base of over 4,000 people. Moreover, the numbers are constantly growing, extending our community even farther. We are glad that our users follow the global trend towards keeping in touch through social networking communication.
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