Freelance Writing: Simple Tips on Complicated Topics 5 Quick Tips from Celebrity Chefs for Freelance Writers

freelance writersFreelance writing is often quite similar to cooking. Don’t you think so?
The tips below might make you change your mind (and improve your writing!)
Anyway, dearest freelance writers, let’s see why these 2 creative professions have much in common.

5 Cooking Tips for Freelance Writers

So, here are the secrets of the best celebrity chefs and how they apply to both cooking and freelance writing:

  1. Having a recipe. If you don’t know where you are going, it’s most likely that you will not get there. When cooking pasta, a chef can’t change his/her mind and start baking an apple pie all of a sudden. The same works for freelance writers – it’s always better to have an outline from the very beginning. Consistency rocks!
  2. Using only quality ingredients. Avoid flies in the ointment – don’t include any doubtful ingredients, such as a 2 weeks old cheese or last year’s onions. A soup that stinks isn’t appetizing at all. The same goes for plagiarized ideas or unverified information in your papers. One awkward sentence and oops – the paper might start to stink!
  3. Read the rest of this entry »

Freelance Writing: Simple Tips on Complicated Topics 3 Free and Amazing Online Spell Checkers You Might Miss

online spell checkersThese days, Internet gets better and better right before our eyes.
Now you can find some pretty cool stuff on the web for free. Really.
Just take a look at these 3 amazing online spell checkers:

3 Online Spell Checkers Most Writers Will Love Using

We’ve offered you already a list of free online grammar check programs. But the tools we present now are different ones!
This awesome trio was not included then. So, here are some fresh online spell checkers for you:
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Priceless Writing Tips How to Write More, Worry Less and Really Enjoy It?

how to write moreFreelance writing is much more enjoyable when you know how to write more and worry less.
And here we offer a few opinionated but effective recommendations on how to achieve this.

Start Writing

This one can seem too obvious. To complete some writing, one definitely has to start doing it first. However, it really can be a good advice on how to write more.
Here I mean quickly moving from research to writing. Start your draft before you get the complete picture of the problem. Meticulous planning and careful outlining are great. Yet, sometimes we just cannot afford them, due to a tight deadline.
Why not combine writing with research and discovery? Write down all brilliant ideas as soon as they cross your mind. Don’t even try to make them perfect at this stage. That’s what editing and proofreading are for.
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Priceless Writing Tips PowerPoint Presentation Tips: The Key to a Stunning Success!

PowerPoint presentation tipsWell, it’s time to answer one of the most important questions in a student’s life – “What is a PowerPoint presentation?”
A PowerPoint presentation is a series of slides showing the key information that you want to convey to your audience and helping you deliver your speech successfully. So make sure that you arrange the order of slides in PowerPoint carefully.
Now that you know the answer to the question “What are PowerPoint presentations?”, check these recommendations for excellent performance. Here are the best presentation tips for PowerPoint:

PowerPoint Presentation Tips: Make Your Project Informative

Whenever you create a presentation, keep in mind that your aim is to provide sufficient information.
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Freelance Writing: Simple Tips on Complicated Topics 2 Inspirational True Stories to Help You Go an Extra Mile

inspirational true storiesLooking for excuses is so typical of most people. Bad hair days come and go, and we remain with our old selves, unchanged – still smoking and not improving grammar, ‘forgetting’ hundreds of promises to quit the first and start the second.
However, there are people out there who don’t bury their dreams in the commonplace Neverland called tomorrow.
Here are 2 inspirational true stories, that will show you that nothing is impossible if one really wants it: Read the rest of this entry »