Freelance Writing: Simple Tips on Complicated Topics 10 Writing Contests That Might Be of Interest to You

Writing Contests Have you ever participated in any writing contests? C’mon, we’re pretty sure that a professional who can meet our high standards has good chances to win a prize in one of the competitions.

For instance, some of the following contests can be of interest to you:

Writing Contests with Minimal Entrance Fee

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Freelance Writing: Simple Tips on Complicated Topics 5 Easy Exercises to Improve Concentration at Work

Improve Concentration Your success and satisfaction with what you’re doing to a significant extent depend upon your ability to concentrate. Recent studies have revealed that by focusing on a single task, you become 4 times more effective than multitasking.

Resisting all kinds of distractions of modern world is rather hard. And here are a couple of exercises that can help you improve concentration.
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Freelance Writing: Simple Tips on Complicated Topics 9 Habits of Productive Academic Writers on Holidays

Productive Academic Writers on Holidays We all know that productivity is very important. We learn the basics of time management and carefully plan the working week. What about the weekends and holidays?

It clears out that the most successful people do it differently even on their vacations. Here’s what the most productive academic writers and most famous people recommend you doing this holidays season:

Habit 1: Raising Up Early

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Freelance Writing: Simple Tips on Complicated Topics Why You Have to Leave Your Freelance Writing Comfort Zone

Freelance Writing A quick reality check: haven’t you got trapped in your comfort zone? Finding a satisfying job with a reasonable salary and not very overwhelming responsibilities is so human. Yet, it’s a proven way to stagnation. Never challenging your talents and working on auto-pilot, you doom your freelance writing career. If you don’t care of all those pages you’re not writing, what about all those dollars you’re not making?
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Freelance Writing: Simple Tips on Complicated Topics 10 Ways to Be a More Productive Freelance Writer

Freelance Writer In our crazy world, being busy is often misinterpreted as being effective. However, as you’ve probably noticed, working extra hours is not the same as making extra money. You can work 10 hours or even longer without doing much, whereas someone else can do two or three times more in the same amount of time, staying focused and productive.

So, what’s their secret? How do they stay effective? Or do they use some kind of doping?
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