Priceless Writing Tips Freelancing Investments – How Much Money Do You Really Need to Start Freelancing?!

How much money do you need for a freelancing career?If you are considering a writing career, then you have probably given some thought to the cost involved in such a move. The question is simple, but the answer depends on how you look at it.

If you already have a full-time job, then it might be a lot easier for you to start your freelancing career from scratch.

However, what if you don’t have a job, and you’re looking at freelance writing as your main source of future income since you can’t find any decent openings in your field? What if you have lost your job and want to start freelancing? There are a number of things you should consider.

First, if you don’t have another form of employment, at least a part-time job, for example, it is going to be hard to start a freelance writing career. This is because in order to be a freelance writer, there are certain items to which you need to have access. Without them, freelancing will be virtually infeasible.

If you are independent and have a source of income, acquiring all these thing is realistic. Read the rest of this entry »

Priceless Writing Tips 4 Things to Consider If You Want to Start Freelancing

Freelancing TipsPeople hold different beliefs about the real nature of freelance writing. For some people, freelance writers are professionals who were not adequately treated in their full-time position. For other people, freelancers are those who could not find a decent full-time job.
There is nothing wrong with either opinion, because to a certain extent, both of these statements hold true for thousands of freelance writers around the world. However, one of the most important things that separate freelance professionals from the rest of the world is that they were able to take a critical step. This step takes them towards uncertainty, and towards more professional and personal freedom.
Are YOU ready to start being a freelance writer? Do you have the expertise, knowledge, and personal qualities required to survive as a freelancer? There are four reasons, at least, which might offer clues as to why you should start a freelancing career.
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Priceless Writing Tips Career Investments Any Freelance Writer is Able to Afford!

Freelance Writing Career Investments Of course, by career investment we don’t mean any actual substantial financial input and/or actual investment of money. Here’s are a number of tips, which any freelance writer should be able to use in order to eventually become a high end writing professional.

Basically, therefore, this article should appeal mostly to the rookies in the freelance writing business – you might have the talent, but you don’t have the experience and some of the skills.

What we mean here by “investing” is a mental exercise. From my own experience, freelance writing requires a great deal of intellectual potential as well as substantial knowledge in your specific field. There are not a lot of options to enhance that, if you already have an education.

The best way to acquire information and knowledge is fairly obvious for most of us – books! Nowadays, however, too many people spend their time on the Internet. Yes, of course, a huge amount of updated, current, intriguing information is to be found online. To tell you the truth, I spend a lot of time on the Internet too. However, reading a really good book is a very different experience from online browsing.

Reading is essential for freelance writers – it helps to develop your imagination, since all of the actions, scenes, and voices described in the book are essentially happening in your head. Additionally, it helps to strengthen your vocabulary and grammar skills. Some rookie freelance writers make a huge mistake in relying purely on the Internet and available online sources.
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Priceless Writing Tips Overcoming Creative Block: Another Article Covering This Widely Discussed Topic

Fighting creative block You’ll empathize with this: the deadline was closing for our next blog posting. Ominously, I couldn’t think of any earth-shaking topics. After all, if you look at our blog, you’ll see that I’ve already covered quite a few.

This moment, when you think you have temporarily run out of ideas, is a dangerous point in any creative process.

This is what is called creative block, and it is exactly what I was experiencing right before writing this article.

You see the article, so what helped me overcome the problem? Analysis! It sounds weird, but in order for me to write an article, I needed to analyze why couldn’t write an article. The analysis itself turned out to be the article! Some might call this an easy way out, but I hope that this article will actually help my readers.

OK, let’s consider step one: looking in the obvious places. “If you want to hide something, put it in plain view” – as said by that early practitioner of the mystery-writer’s craft, E.A. Poe. I was sitting here wondering, “Why can’t I come up with a topic?” Then I ask myself, “ Wait, could this be a topic?”. And that is how you eventually came to see this piece. Make sure, however, that you explore the topic from a point of view that will be interesting to your readers. I hope mine does the job :)
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Priceless Writing Tips Gadgets for Freelance Writers

useful gadgets for freelancers Freelance writing is a challenging online occupation. It is always demanding and requires that a writer be 100% prepared. I have mentioned this in earlier articles, and never tire of reminding you that your job is really complicated and calls for resourcefulness and intelligence.

The human body, unfortunately, has limitations we can’t simply ignore. They sometimes hold us back in our strivings for professional perfection. It’s great that there are gadgets out there to help us perform better. Let’s review some of these.

I guess for many people waking up in the morning is a real problem. That’s natural – we all like to sleep and some of us like to snooze even more than we need to. This gadget is perfect for people who want to make sure that their natural desire to get extra sleep won’t stand in their way of delivering their work by the deadline. It’s called a Carpet Alarm Clock. It’s pretty simple – in order to turn the alarm clock inside of the carpet off you have to stand on it with both of your feet.
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