Company News Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays, Folks! 2011 has been a great year for our community! We’ve acquired a whole host of wonderful new community members who have made the an even stronger professional freelance writing company!

Our Facebook community grew immensely – we are at almost 70,000 fans and the numbers keep growing!

We’ve implemented a whole raft of great updates that have made things work better for all of us! We keep working on quality control and efficiency to make our service better.

Our staff looks back proudly on a long list of accomplishments this last year: changes to internal procedures, numerous updates to our user interface, and many new features for you, our users! As you can see from the latest articles on our blog – we keep you apprised of all this via our updates. Almost every week, we add something to increase the usability of our site, and make your life even easier! Read the rest of this entry »

Company News Latest Updates: November 2011, PART 2 logotype With this article we continue our series of publications highlighting updates, implemented or planned, for the RWC admin panel.

These updates are designed to make our operations more user friendly and reliable – we’re doing everything possible to make your time with RWC more enjoyable and efficient.

Maximum order length

A lot of writers have been unpleasantly surprised when they have discovered that there was an upper limitation on word count on their orders. At first this might seem illogical; after all, the more content you provide, the better deal the customer is getting for their money – or so it might seem. Read the rest of this entry »

Company News Latest Updates: November 2011 logotype This article starts a series of publications that will keep you updated on all the ways that we amend/add to the RWC admin panel to perfect the great user experience we provide you.

These articles will highlight some of the technical, managerial and other innovations that we work on every day.

You are welcome to leave your feedback about these updates in the comments section.

The updates are scheduled to be added on a weekly basis. It is a highly technical process to implement these system changes, so you can expect some updates to be implemented right away, and others – later on. So, this week in “Latest Updates”:

Plagiarism Report for Candidates

We receive a lot of applications from writers from all around the world. Of course, a lot of them are not accepted because our requirements concerning writing quality are quite strict. Many of these rejected candidates contact us later with questions regarding our reasons for declining to hire them. Read the rest of this entry »

Company News RWC Blog: New Design!

RWC Logotype Hey, guys!
I’ve got some great news for you! Since you’re reading this article, and if you haven’t visited our blog for the past couple of days, you might notice something. Go ahead, look around! Can you see the beauty of it? Yes, we have revamped the RWC blog for you.

So, what’s new? Well, a lot of stuff. First of all – you simply must love all of the new fonts and colors in the right sidebar. As you can see, the “Most Recent” section now looks pretty neat, so are the pictures on the posts. Read the rest of this entry »

Company News, Suggestions from RWC users Waiting for Your Suggestions!

RWC Logotype We wanted to say thank you for all of your comments – they help us with our work. We take into account all your comments when we design future changes in the system.

That’s why we wanted to direct this whole conversation towards something more productive. We want YOU to provide exact suggestions about the work process and the This includes any procedural issues, which you think we could approve on; any particular features, which can be objectively improved. Read the rest of this entry »