Freelance Writing: Simple Tips on Complicated Topics20 Quotes on Writing: Get Your Daily Doze of Inspiration!

Quotes on Writing Reading a good quote at a good time can mean a lot. Here are 20 brightest quotes on writing, the pearls of wisdom from the recognized and not so recognized writers.

10 Amazing Quotes on Writing to Push You Forward

Whenever you feel that you are stuck on writing, you can choose a quote on writing that suits you best from the following list and get a push:

  1. “If one can, anyone can. If two can, you can, too.” (Nancy Sanders)
  2. “You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you.” (Ray Bradbury)
  3. “A professional writer is an amateur who didn’t quit.” (Richard Bach)
  4. “Planning to write is not writing. Outlining, researching, talking to people about what you’re doing, none of that is writing. Writing is writing.” (E.L. Doctorow)
  5. “If you wait for inspiration to write, you’re not a writer, you’re a waiter.” (Dan Poynter)
  6. “The desire to write grows with writing.” (Desiderius Erasmus)
  7. “To defend what you’ve written is a sign that you are alive.” (William Zinsser)
  8. “If I don’t write to empty my mind, I go mad.” (Lord Byron)
  9. “There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.” (Ernest Hemingway)
  10. “If my doctor told me I had only six minutes to live, I wouldn’t brood. I’d type a little faster.” (Isaac Asimov)

10 Really Good Quotes on Writing: Practical Hints

  1. “Any word you have to hunt for in a thesaurus is the wrong word. There are no exceptions to this rule.” (Stephen King)
  2. “‘Always’ and ‘never’ are two words you should always remember never to use.” (Wendell Johnson)
  3. “Get the facts first. You can distort them later.” (Mark Twain)
  4. “The secret of good writing is to say an old thing in a new way or to say a new thing in an old way.” (Richard Harding Davis)
  5. “The act of writing for me is a concentrated form of thought. If I don’t enter that particular level of concentration, the chances are that certain ideas never reach any level of fruition.” (Don DeLillo)
  6. “This is how you do it: you sit down at the keyboard and you put one word after another until it’s done. It’s that easy, and that hard.” (Neil Gaiman)
  7. “A writer is someone to whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people.” (Thomas Mann)
  8. “The most valuable of all talents is that of never using two words when one will do.” (Thomas Jefferson)
  9. “You can fix anything but a blank page.” (Nora Roberts)
  10. “You are what you write.” (Helvy Tiana Rosa)

Quotes on writing from famous writers can boost your productivity if you approach them with proper amount of irony. Why not add your own quotes to this list? Feel free to drop comments in the section below.

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