Priceless Writing TipsTop 4 Proven Tactics to Start Writing and Kick-Up Inspiration

start writingSometimes, you can get a sense of triumph when you only start writing. And you may have good reasons for it. The first sentence is only a drop in the sea, but it means a lot to you. First of all, it means that you have overcome the first barriers on your way:

  • blocked your procrastination artery;
  • dug out necessary writing resources;
  • kicked up inspiration.

(Round of applause behind the scenes.)
However, a bit of warning, for what it can be worth! Sometimes you might also spend ages just waiting for inspiration, or the Muse, or an apple falling on your head – anything in fact, that would help you start writing. Unluckily, your tight deadlines do not allow waiting for such miracles (which can sometimes occur, nevertheless). This is why, here are some guaranteed ways to help you start working on your papers early and kick up your inspiration.

4 Guaranteed Ways to Start Writing on Time

  1. Do not be too hard on yourself! Check yourself – make sure you don’t do any of the mistakes in the following list:
    • think too much of the negative things your readers might say about your work;
    • compare your writing style to the works of other authors;
    • try to make your first draft perfect;
    • try to write something extraordinarily original.

    Slap your hands if you notice any of the above-mentioned symptoms and just start writing instead. Imagine your ideal reader giving thumbs up to your work and always make only optimistic forecasts.

  2. Have some rest! If you experience brain exhaustion, in most cases it is your own fault. You won’t try to squeeze a fully squeezed lemon, will you? Why are you torturing your overtired brain then? Instead, take a break – you may take a nap, have a bite or do a couple of physical exercises – it is up to you to decide.
  3. Use distractions wisely! I mean: you should use distractions only if you have avoided them before. (If you did not avoid distractions earlier, read this article till the end and then get down to work!)
    Phone a friend, watch a short funny video on Youtube, or browse the Internet for a while – do anything to relax and let some fresh air into your life. Did you know that the findings of recent surveys have revealed that leisure browsing can improve employees’ productivity? Just do not overdo it. Relax only until the first sparkle of inspiration shows up and then start writing immediately.
  4. Do a bit of research! You should not sit with your arms crossed and wait for a miracle to happen. Do a bit of research – browse Google Scholar, Google Books, or any other databases you have access to. Find synonyms and change your search string until you find what you need to get you started. Keep on trying.

As you can see, boosting your productivity and making an effective start can be easy and fun. Enjoy what you are doing and outstanding achievements will inevitably follow.
What do you usually do to start a new paper? We’ll be happy to read your comments in the section below.

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