Priceless Writing TipsCareer Investments Any Freelance Writer is Able to Afford!

Freelance Writing Career Investments Of course, by career investment we don’t mean any actual substantial financial input and/or actual investment of money. Here’s are a number of tips, which any freelance writer should be able to use in order to eventually become a high end writing professional.

Basically, therefore, this article should appeal mostly to the rookies in the freelance writing business – you might have the talent, but you don’t have the experience and some of the skills.

What we mean here by “investing” is a mental exercise. From my own experience, freelance writing requires a great deal of intellectual potential as well as substantial knowledge in your specific field. There are not a lot of options to enhance that, if you already have an education.

The best way to acquire information and knowledge is fairly obvious for most of us – books! Nowadays, however, too many people spend their time on the Internet. Yes, of course, a huge amount of updated, current, intriguing information is to be found online. To tell you the truth, I spend a lot of time on the Internet too. However, reading a really good book is a very different experience from online browsing.

Reading is essential for freelance writers – it helps to develop your imagination, since all of the actions, scenes, and voices described in the book are essentially happening in your head. Additionally, it helps to strengthen your vocabulary and grammar skills. Some rookie freelance writers make a huge mistake in relying purely on the Internet and available online sources.

Make reading a habit – at least half an hour before sleep. Reading is also a good sleeping aid for the insomniacs among us. To sum up: reading is a great intellectual investment in your body of knowledge, which forms a major part of your competence as a successful freelance writer.

Your eyes: vision is the sense through which we receive the most information from the outside world. It’s important to be able to stay at the computer for extended periods without being blinded while you are at it. Make sure to take breaks if you spend a lot of time staring at the monitor. Hydrate your eyes with tear replacement drops, available at most pharmacies. Hydration is particularly crucial if you wear contacts – be sure to moisturize them every couple of hours, even if you don’t feel discomfort.

There are some exercises that I use on daily basis to help my eyes relax. The first one is pretty simple: try blinking your eyes, but slowly – imagine that you’re wiping your eyes with your eyelids. The second one is pretty easy too: close your eyes and start moving with your eyes in a circular pattern, without opening the eyelids. Do that for 10-15 seconds.

If you wear contacts – make sure not to close your eyes tor strongly, otherwise you might put pressure on the lens and that’s not always pleasant. The author, Aldous Huxley, investigated how to preserve eyesight, and he recommended putting the heels of the hands over the eyes and imagining black velvet until all the little white squiggly things disappear from you field of vision.

Keep your eyes healthy in order to be able to comfortably progress with your freelance writing career. A healthier freelance writer is always a more productive freelance writer.

I hope some of these ideas will be utilized by our rookie freelance writers and well as by those of you haven’t actually thought about some of the issues I touched upon in this article! Good luck with your writing career!


  • amelita d.eisma
    March 10th, 2011 at 3:37 pm

    Thanks to your tips and ideas on how to become a freelance writer. More power.

    • March 11th, 2011 at 6:52 am

      We are glad that you find the blog informative :) Have a great day!

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