Buzz on the WebThe Environmental Crisis – What is YOUR Personal Impact on Our World?

How environmental friendly are you?Green is so fashionable these days! Whenever checking out the Answers section of LinkedIn recently for interesting topics (more info on in this article), I notice a multitude of environmental questions.

People are evidently trying to educate themselves about bio-fuel, pollution, and other such issues.

Plenty of evidence, on and off the web, demonstrates how humans have damaged the Earth. This has set me to thinking about our individual impact on our world, through our daily actions and choices.

It’s too early and too uncertain yet, but may soon partner an environmental NGO. We may work with them to help the world go “green” by increasing each employee’s environmental awareness. If this actually transpires, I will be sure to highlight it in our blog.

In the meantime, I’d like to share my thoughts on how each of us can help our planet!

Let’s consider carbon dioxide – you need not own a car to be an emitter, or to reduce your contribution! For example, do you have a thermostat? Did you know that if you increase your summer household temperature by just 2 degrees, and decrease it similarly in winter, you could actually reduce your carbon dioxide emissions? Turn that dial!

What about your choices in what you buy and how you discard things? Do you select your purchases considering the eventual disposal of both the packaging and the product, at the end of its useful life? Seek opportunities to reduce waste ahead of time – for example, avoiding plastic water bottles, an egregious misuse of resources. If you must use something like this, determine where and when in your community to recycle it, whether cups, bottles, batteries, computers, or automobile oil.

Take note of your energy usage; for example, extinguish lights and appliances when leaving a room for more than a few minutes. I’ve changed my own behavior: I used to leave my TV playing in one room when using my laptop in the other – clearly obliviously wasteful.

Appliance purchases are a great opportunity to plan for reducing energy usage. Examine labels and choose the more environmentally friendly energy efficient alternative. You may well realize some operating savings, over the life of the appliance.

If you drive, go easy on the gas pedal. Try to avoid stop-and-start use of your brakes. This also decreases your contribution to carbon dioxide emissions.

Clearly, there are literally hundreds of “green” choices possible in your everyday life. When you begin examining this issue, you will realize that each of us can decide to create a negative or a positive impact on the planet.

Do you have creative ideas for eco-conscious behavior? Have you already made eco-friendly choices, and implemented them? On the other hand, are you still just thinking about these issues?

Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions on this situation in the Comments section, and let’s start a discussion! I’ll be more than pleased to check out your contributions and take part in the discussion.


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