Freelance Writing: Simple Tips on Complicated Topics RWC Blog is No Place for Rudeness!

Don't Be Rude While Leaving Comments on the RWC BlogWhile I have been moderating the blog, I have encountered some really rude negative comments from our users. None of them has been posted.

They did not pass the moderation process, not because we want to look good for our users. We are fully aware, and accept that, like any other company, we may be subject to criticism for the way we do business.

That is why we are posting this article.

So back to the topic: these messages did not pass because they were so rude. The politest way to describe them is that they contained foul language.

The objection is not that we, the RWC staff, would have to read obscene messages. Instead, it is not fair to the other, more polite users, who do not want to see anything like this in the comments.

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